The skill of delivering lectures in higher education (historical and pedagogical aspect)

Journal Title: Science and Education a New Dimension - Year 2017, Vol 0, Issue 111


Analysis of historical, teaching, memoirs and biographical sources, as well as the works on the history of medicine has shown that lecturership has been and remains an integral part of educator’s pedagogical skills. The author of the article analyzes the lecturing skills as a synthesis of deep scientific knowledge combined with professional orientation of individual and genuine enthusi- asm in the object of teaching, general and professional erudition, high level of general and professional culture, inner need “to ignite the students’ audience”. The work is multidisciplinary in nature and may be of interest for experts in the field of pedagogy of higher education, and teachers at higher education institutions.

Authors and Affiliations

O. M. Bieliaieva


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How To Cite

O. M. Bieliaieva (2017). The skill of delivering lectures in higher education (historical and pedagogical aspect). Science and Education a New Dimension, 0(111), 7-10.