The specifics of the study of the mind in a systematic theology P. Tillich.
Journal Title: ИДЕИ. ФИЛОСОФСКО СПИСАНИЕ - Year 2017, Vol 5, Issue 1
The article investigates the epistemological foundations of theology of P. Tillich. The concepts of static and dynamic in sound actualization of reason, epistemological, social and political, historical, philosophical and theological connotations of the epistemological concepts, his understanding of the cognitive processes in contrasting formal rationality, scientific knowledge (“technical thinking”) and existential approach to understanding reality. Submitted by socio-ideological significance of the ideas of P. Tillich.
Authors and Affiliations
Anna Emelianenko
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Address to the Bulgarian readers
Присъединявайки се към международния проект, организиран от “ИДЕИ: философско списание”, колективът на Националния медицински университет “О.О.Богомолец” изразява солидарността си с идеалите на хуманизма, духовността, де...
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