The Structure on The Hurdlers Stride Among World Class Athletes in Light of Factor Analysis
Journal Title: Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences - Year 2003, Vol 13, Issue 25
The existing research on hurdling technique focused on chosen points of time or average values of particular kinematic parameters of the motion. The main aim of this research was to determine the structure of movement hurdle clearance and to exclude indices of hurdling technique based on the flow based on the analysis of the whole movement flow.The analysis included hurdle runs of Polish top 7 athletes with personal bests ranging from 13,40 to 14,07 s. The technique was filmed at the 4th hurdle by 2 Hitachi cameras with frequency set at 50 Hz. The film was then digitilized with the VIDANA System designed by Stucke (DSHS Koln, Germany). All of the space parameters (angular displacements in the ankle knee and hip joints of the lead and trail legs, changes in the elbow and shoulder joints and trunk absolute angle on the side of the lead and trail leg) were analysed statistically by factor analysis with Hotteling's principal components method modified by Tucker with the Varimax rotation proposed by Kaiser.The statistical analysis allows to state that the factor analysis method enables the comparison of two different movement patterns in the area of chosen parameters. In effect of the conducted calculations it was possible to reduce 84 variables to three hypothetical factors:a) the motion of the lead leg (40,8% of explained common variance) - this factor includes the angular displacements in the ankle, knee, hip, shoulder joints and trunk absolute angle on side of the lead leg,b) the motion of the trail leg (25,4%) - this factor includes the angular displacements in the ankle, knee, hip and elbow joints on side of the trail leg and elbow joint on the lead leg,c) of hurdlers stride (6,2%) - the ankle joints of lead and trail leg.The logical interpretation of the excluded factors allows for the following conclusions:1. The structure of the hurdle stride in elite athletes consists of 3 elements.2. The lead leg influences the efficiency of the hurdle stride to a greater extent than the trail leg
Authors and Affiliations
Janusz Iskra, Zbigniew Waśkiewicz, Bogdan Bacik
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