The study of representations about the basic factors of the genesis of culture in students of humanitarian and technical specializations
Journal Title: Бюллетень науки и практики - Year 2018, Vol 4, Issue 4
The article is devoted to the analysis of the results of a comparative study of the perceptions of students of humanitarian and technical specialities of the basic factors in the formation of human culture. For the implementation of the study, we used the original technique. The article presents a fragment of the results of the study and its interpretation. Comparative characteristics of ideas in the humanitarians and techies about the key factors of cultural-historical progress. Also carried out a comparison of gender characteristics of the examined groups. Connections of representations of students about the key factors of formation of culture with the place of their main residence, and also family conditions in childhood are considered. The comparative analysis of the results of students of humanitarian and technical specializations is carried out. The final part of the article outlines the prospects for further research on this issue.
Authors and Affiliations
A. Nemtsov
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