The study of the antiulcer effect of the lyophilized extract of fireweed herb on the model of ethanol-prednisolone stomach damage in rats


Peptic ulcer disease therapy includes schemes for the use of a number of drugs; most of them are synthetic with many side effects and contraindications. Therefore, the search for alternative herbal medicines with the anti-inflammatory and reparative action in the treatment of peptic ulcer is pathogenetically justified and relevant since herbal medicinal products are characterized by a wide range of pharmacological properties and high safety with sufficient efficiency. Aim. To study the antiulcer activity of the lyophilized extract of the fireweed (Chamaenerion angustifolium) herb when gastric lesion in rats simulated with the ethanol-prednisolone mixture. Materials and methods. Gastroprotective properties of the lyophilized extract of fireweed herb were studied on the model of acute ulcer of the stomach in rats; it was simulated by intragastric administration of the mixture of prednisolone in the dose of 20 mg/kg and 80 % ethanol in the dose of 6 ml/kg. By the method generally used the blood serum was obtained for biochemical examination, the stomach was removed, cut along a low curvature, and the condition of the gastric mucosa was assessed using a loupe. The ulcerous index and the anti-ulcer activity were calculated, the content of TBA of active products, the activity of catalase, the content of reduced glutathione and succinate dehydrogenase were determined. Results. It was found that the lyophilized extract of fireweed herb in the dose of 20 mg/kg significantly stimulated reparative processes in the areas of the ulcer defect. The degree of lesion of the mucous membrane of the stomach in all animals with visible changes in the state of the mucous membrane corresponded to 1 point (only edema, the absence of folding and/or 1-2 small ulcerations were observed); the ulcerative index compared to animals of control pathology decreased by an average of 4.3 times. The antiulcer activity of the extract studied was 49 %. The lyophilized extract of fireweed herb normalized lipid peroxidation processes at the organ level. Conclusions. On the model of ethanol-prednisolone damage of the stomach in rats the fireweed herb showed the antiulcer effect, which was not inferior to the action of the reference drug – the herbal tea “Gastrofit” by its intensity.

Authors and Affiliations

H. I. Feshchenko, O. M. Oleshchuk, S. M. Marchyshyn, O. Yu. Koshova


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How To Cite

H. I. Feshchenko, O. M. Oleshchuk, S. M. Marchyshyn, O. Yu. Koshova (2019). The study of the antiulcer effect of the lyophilized extract of fireweed herb on the model of ethanol-prednisolone stomach damage in rats. Клінічна фармація; Клиническая фармация, 23(1), 11-18.