The study of the state of pharmaceutical provision for patients with cardiovascular diseases using ABC- and VEN-analyses
Journal Title: Вісник фармації - Year 2018, Vol 95, Issue 3
Aim. To assess the state of pharmaceutical provision for patients with cardiovascular diseases (CVD) using ABC, VEN and complex ABC/VEN analyses.Materials and methods. The study was performed according to the data of the medical records of outpatients who were registered in the Public Health Institution (PSI) “Kharkiv City Clinical Hospital No. 27”. The methods of ABC, VEN and complex ABC/VEN analysis were used.Results and discussion. The results of the study using the ABC-analysis method allowed us to determine that the largest number of drugs was in the group C, which included 25 drugs, or 51.02 % of the total number of prescriptions. During the VEN analysis it was found that the vast majority of drugs (41 drugs) belong to the group V – vital essential medicines. The complex ABC/VEN analysis showed that drugs with the A/V status (the most costly and vital essential medicines) had the highest percentage (32.20 %) of the total consumption. It should be separately noted that the A/N group (the most costly and nonessential medicines) took the second position by percentage after the A/V group. A high percentage (31.05 %) in the A/N group is explained by the fact that the group includes the drug Magnikor, which has the highest frequency of prescription although this drug is not included in the National List of Essential Medicines (NLEM) and in the “Available medicines” program.Conclusions. The results of the studies of the state of pharmaceutical care for patients with CVD make it possible to draw attention to the urgency of the problems of drug availability to the population, namely expanding the list of medicines that are reimbursed in the framework of the government programs, in particular by including the drug Magnikor in the “Available medicines” program.
Authors and Affiliations
A. S. Nemchenko, V. N. Nazarkina, Yu. Ye. Kurylenko
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