The Tip Of The Iceberg: Mediastinal Schwannoma Presenting As Horner’s Syndrome

Journal Title: Journal of Neurological Sciences-Turkish - Year 2007, Vol 24, Issue 2


A 43-year-old woman presented with a right-sided ptosis, miosis and facial anhidrosis. She was aware of her ptosis for the past year but did not seek for medical attention. Cocaine test was positive for Horner’s syndrome. A mass lesion was detected in the upper part of the posterior mediastinum. Surgical resection was performed and the histopathologic examination was compatible with a schwannoma. The most common tumors associated with Horner’s syndrome are lung (Pancoast) and breast cancers. Horner’s syndrome is not an early sign of these tumors. Mediastinal schwannoma has been reported in rare cases presented with Horner’s syndrome.

Authors and Affiliations

Afsun SAHIN, Tulay KANSU, Cumhur SENER


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How To Cite

Afsun SAHIN, Tulay KANSU, Cumhur SENER (2007). The Tip Of The Iceberg: Mediastinal Schwannoma Presenting As Horner’s Syndrome. Journal of Neurological Sciences-Turkish, 24(2), 164-166.