The trends and challenges of the modern banking and banking sector’s external environment developments

Journal Title: Ekonomika ir Vadyba: Aktualijos ir Perspektyvos - Year 2013, Vol 31, Issue 3


The recent boom of the banking crises worldwide raises the scientific discussions on the trends of modern banking and banking sector’s external environment developments that increase the frequency of systemic risk occurrence in the banking sector. There are analyzed the main trends of the modern banking and banking sector’s external environment developments that effect the financial distress in the banking sector both at the local and global level in this article. The research object – the trends and peculiarities of the modern banking and banking sector’s external environment developments. The research goal – to identify the main trends of the modern banking and banking sector’s external environment developments from the systemic risk occurrence in the banking sector perspective. The research methods: systemic, logical and comparative analysis of scientific literature. Keywords: systemic risk, banking crisis, banking sector, trends of the banking sector external environment developments, trends of the modern banking developments.

Authors and Affiliations

Vilma Deltuvaitė


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How To Cite

Vilma Deltuvaitė (2013). The trends and challenges of the modern banking and banking sector’s external environment developments. Ekonomika ir Vadyba: Aktualijos ir Perspektyvos, 31(3), 169-179.