The Unique Characteristics of the Insurance Business and Their Effects on the Valuation of an Insurance Company


An adequate methodology for the valuation of insurance firms is of indisputable importance to potential investors as well as in the context of enterprise value management. An ability to properly appraise the value of an insurance business is key to making an optimal investment decision when looking for opportunities to invest surplus capital e.g. in the shares of insurance companies. It is pointed out that outcomes of individual valuations made by potential investors may well be used as an information resource on top of insurers’ published financial statements, officially reported solvency ratios, and (not always entirely impartial) recommendations from analysts. The chapter seeks to examine the unique characteristics of the insurance business, and to reveal how they bear on determining the value of an insurance firm.

Authors and Affiliations

Anna Jańska


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How To Cite

Anna Jańska (2016). The Unique Characteristics of the Insurance Business and Their Effects on the Valuation of an Insurance Company. Zeszyty Naukowe Wydziału Zamiejscowego w Chorzowie Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej w Poznaniu, 18(), 211-221.