The Urgency of Curriculum and Model of Progressive Islamic Education in Realizing Agrarian Justice in Indonesia (A Study on Agrarian Pesantren Organized by Front Nahdliyin for Natural Resource Sovereignty)

Journal Title: International Journal of Current Science Research and Review - Year 2024, Vol 7, Issue 01


This article describes the urgency of the progressive Islamic education curriculum in the Agrarian Islamic Boarding School organized by the Nahdiyyin Front for Natural Resource Sovereignty (FNKSDA) in the context of the struggle to achieve agrarian justice. This empirical research with a qualitative approach resulted in the conclusion that in the material aspect, the Agrarian Islamic Boarding School has an urgency to overcome the increasingly severe phenomenon of inequality and the agrarian and environmental crisis. In the ideational aspect, Agrarian Islamic Boarding Schools are also very important for introducing progressive Islamic ideas and at the same time providing examples of their actualization in dealing with agrarian problems. Agrarian Islamic boarding schools, in the end, are very useful in providing students with the capacity to research and strive for the emancipation of society from social-ecological problems in the spirit of cirital-humanist-religous education.

Authors and Affiliations

Syamsul Arifin,


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  • EP ID EP726536
  • DOI 10.47191/ijcsrr/V7-i1-08
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How To Cite

Syamsul Arifin, (2024). The Urgency of Curriculum and Model of Progressive Islamic Education in Realizing Agrarian Justice in Indonesia (A Study on Agrarian Pesantren Organized by Front Nahdliyin for Natural Resource Sovereignty). International Journal of Current Science Research and Review, 7(01), -.