The value of breast-feeding on the formation of the psychomotor development of children of early age

Journal Title: Бюллетень науки и практики - Year 2018, Vol 4, Issue 4


Psychomotor development of children depending on the type of feeding is estimated. 255 young children of different types of feeding were examined. Psychomotor development (sensory development, General motor activity, manual skill, speech development) of children was carried out by the method of Denver. The results of the data of psychomotor development indicated the presence of increasing lead and decreasing the backlog in children under breastfeeding than children being on artificial feeding. It is revealed that breast milk is an important condition for the development of the nervous system of a young child.

Authors and Affiliations

B. Kalmuratova, A. Kosimbetova, S. Otekeeva


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  • EP ID EP482842
  • DOI 10.5281/zenodo.1218259
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How To Cite

B. Kalmuratova, A. Kosimbetova, S. Otekeeva (2018). The value of breast-feeding on the formation of the psychomotor development of children of early age. Бюллетень науки и практики, 4(4), 79-81.