The value of mental training components introduced to the program of downhill ski teaching<br />
Journal Title: Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences - Year 2008, Vol 18, Issue 44
[b]The aim of the work[/b]. The aim of the work is the analysis of the components of mental training that have been introduced to the teaching program of alpine skiing.[b]Material and methods[/b]. The efficiency of teaching has been assessed. The study has been conducted by meansof experiment using parallel groups. The subjects of the study were second-year, full time students from the Tourism and Recreation Department, Academy of Physical Education in Wroclaw. The students have been divided into two groups: control and experimental. Attempts have been made to compare the results from the final test in those two groups. In the experimental group, additional classes containing elements of mental training have been introduced to the teaching program. They dealt with relaxation, concentration, fear, visualization and self-esteem, and self-confidence elements. Remaining elements of the training were identical in the two groups.[b]Conclusions[/b]. Despite the shorter length (6 days) of the experiment, the experimental group students obtained much better results on the final test than the control group students (p &lt; 0,05). This might indicate that they had better results in the process of learning and teaching skiing. They were also optimistic and eager to participate in the classes.
Authors and Affiliations
Urszula Sabat
Seventy Years of Fencing Activity of Zbigniew Czajkowski
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