The warm-up and the selection of a protagonist in psychodrama

Journal Title: Psychoterapia - Year 2011, Vol 156, Issue 1


In this paper, the psychodrama warm-up process and the procedure of selecting a protagonist are reviewed. All consecutive steps which should be taken to prepare a group and its members to start a protagonist action are described as well as the aspects of a warm up time in view of individual needs of participants of psychodrama and of the group process. The concept of a „ starter” is defined — an important factor, which plays a role during warm-up and often decides about further work with a group. The paper explains also the importance of a leader’s own warm up and the influence it can have on the process of the psychodrama session. The author describes his own experience in working with a group using psychodrama method, and gives a practical review of its introduction.

Authors and Affiliations

Roman Ludkiewicz


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How To Cite

Roman Ludkiewicz (2011). The warm-up and the selection of a protagonist in psychodrama. Psychoterapia, 156(1), 39-48.