The work on formation of the correct diction of primary school pupils

Journal Title: ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education - Year 2016, Vol 0, Issue 11


<p>The effectiveness of experimental methodology of formation of correct diction in younger schoolchildren that revealed the significant improvement of orthographic knowledge and skills of the primary school pupils was confirmed in the article. The problem of research is topical and is in pedagogical and methodological grounding of the bases of formation of the correct diction in younger schoolchildren and revelation of specificity of the development of these skills at the lessons of reading at primary school. <strong></strong></p><p>The psychological-pedagogical and learning-methodological literature on the problem of research was grounded and analyzed; the content of notions “correct diction”, “speech technique” was fully elucidated.</p><p>The material of experimental study that opens didactic direction of the method of formation of correct expressive abilities in younger schoolchildren and experimental methodology of formation of correct diction in younger schoolchildren are significant for the learning practice. <strong></strong></p>The effectiveness of elaborated system of the system of exercises was experimentally proved; the pedagogical conditions that provide the optimal mastering of reading process were revealed

Authors and Affiliations

Lyudmila Lukiyanyk


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  • EP ID EP647486
  • DOI 10.15587/2519-4984.2016.84688
  • Views 155
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How To Cite

Lyudmila Lukiyanyk (2016). The work on formation of the correct diction of primary school pupils. ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education, 0(11), 42-49.