Theoconcept Structure Reconstruction as Multi-Dimensional Matrix Formation
Journal Title: НАУКОВИЙ ЧАСОПИС НАЦІОНАЛЬНОГО ПЕДАГОГІЧНОГО УНІВЕРСИТЕТУ ІМЕНІ М.П. ДРАГОМАНОВА. Серія 9. Сучасні тенденції розвитку мов - Year 2018, Vol 17, Issue
The article addresses the problem of structure reconstruction of the theoconcept as a sensecreating basic component of religious picture of the world. The theoconcept is interpreted as a multi-dimensional formation which embodies experience of a man (people), both physical and spiritual; and is at the same time typified by a historically conditioned worldview constituent. The rational for employing the diachronic-synchronic approach to account for the concept structure is provided. Major emphasis is placed on the study of theoconcepts against concepts of other types and their modes, particularly, as abstract ontological-intuitive mental entities. Reconstruction of seven levels of the theoconcept REPENTANCE structure is conducted; it bears evidence that this formation is of cognitive-matrix format. It is found that the kernel content of the theoconcept REPENTANCE has been developed on the base of a meaning “turn”, which, according to the Biblical context of conceptualization, reconstructs the essence of repentance (level one). The kernel-centered (circumnuclear) area is formed by such meanings, as “confession”, “sacrament”, “penance”, “reconciliation”, “testament”, “reunion”, with basics of Orthodox doctrine as cognitive contexts (level two). Ethnic coloring of the concept meaning is revealed through such spiritual sense of the theoconcept REPENTANCE, as “congregational confession” (level three). The image of repentance as “the second baptism” emerges in the context of Christian symbolic meanings (level four). The shade of meaning “to turn away” (“military command”) has been developed in a process of its folk-etymological conceptualization, and constitutes the periphery of the concept (level fife). In a context of monastic movement in Ukrainian lands, and life of monks (level six) shades of meanings “atonement”, “asceticism”, “hermitage”, “anchorite” are being actualized. The last level (distant area) of senses embraces the individual-specific shades of senses, personal shades of senses of the concept under consideration, present in idiolects of the faithful. Finally, the results indicate that reconstructed sense levels are the cognitive contexts to interpret the kernel meaning of the theoconcept REPENTANCE. They bring into focus (highlight) its other senses, which interplay and produce its conceptual multi-aspectedness and multi-dimensionality that is nothing but matrix.
Authors and Affiliations
G. V. Izyumtseva
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