Theoretical and practical problems of the functional organisation of border inspection posts in the process of modernisation of the state customs procedures
Journal Title: Lex portus - Year 2018, Vol 14, Issue 6
This article reveals the matter and essence of the functional organization of border inspection posts at the border of Ukraine in the process of modernisation of the state customs procedures. It is established that such border inspection posts exist within the border of Ukraine, which may be classified according to categories, communication types, nature of transportations, functioning mode and their work time. The main problematic aspects affecting the border crossing quality, practicality and operational efficiency of border inspection posts are studied. Attention is focused on the topical issues in the arrangement of a joint control of persons, vehicles, goods and objects at common border inspection posts at the Ukrainian- Moldovan State Border. The author comes to a conclusion that it is possible to resolve the problematic aspects of the functional organisation of inspection posts at the Ukrainian border provided that projects for reconstruction of present border inspection posts of Ukraine, modernisation of border inspection posts and their approach roadways would be launched, the priority of introducing the procedure of joint control would be considered, and negotiation procedures with specialised institutions of neighbouring countries would be reinforced for the purpose of signing international treaties on opening new international border inspection posts and joint control agreements.
Authors and Affiliations
Oleksiy Fedotov, Алексей Федотов, Олексій Федотов
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