Theoretical investigation of the conical outflow regulator of free-flowing material


The dependences of the influence of the angle of slope of the cone-slope surface of the regulator of the outflow of loose material and the radius of rounding of the end part of the hollow cylinder of the flow-out material flow controller on the maximum value of the cone-shaped slope movement, at which the flow area of the loose material remains less than the area of the inlet of the material duct; Dependence of influence of value of cone displacement on the time of complete unloading of the hopper; Dependencies that allow to determine the flow rate of material and the volume of the discharged material for different values of the main parameters of the regulator. Research findings. 1. In the convex (rounded) form the face of the hollow cylinder regulator leaks (see fig.1) leakage area, and therefore the main indicators of the regulator, depending on the radius of rounding. 2. The value h1, that defines the limit value of displacement h in regulating leakage performance is largely dependent on the angle α and smaller - the radius r. 3. A complete unloading hopper t1 increases and efficiency decreases with increasing angle α and decreasing coefficient λ. 4. Growth factor λ, h and decreasing displacement angle α entail a more rapid decrease leakage rate v. 5. The results allow to determine the value of basic geometric parameters of the regulator to ensure the necessary benchmarks.

Authors and Affiliations

Oleh Oryshaka, Vasily Gutsul, Anatoly Artiuhov


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How To Cite

Oleh Oryshaka, Vasily Gutsul, Anatoly Artiuhov (2017). Theoretical investigation of the conical outflow regulator of free-flowing material. Центральноукраїнський науковий вісник. Технічні науки, 30(), 22-28.