Theoretical measures and practical meaning of the modern philosophy of contractualism (from freedom to trust and responsibility)
Journal Title: Мultiversum. Philosophical almanac - Year 2019, Vol 0, Issue 1
The article arises an important for the modern philosophy idea of theoretical limits and practical meaning of the modern philosophy of contractualism. It is also proved that in the further escalation and realization of the idea of a social agreement, the main must be the theoretical and practical recognition of the importance of freedom and responsibility, human dignity and trust among people to each other and to state and public institutions. The understanding of such human virtues and ways of human existence as honesty, justice and responsibility should be completed by their existence as real social practices. Based on the contemplation of such classics of contemporary philosophy as K.-O.Apel, J.Habermas, H.Jonas, A. Honneth, W.Kersting, F.Fukuyama, proved that those members of the social agreement, which are inherent in freedom, dignity and responsibility can become not only the objects but also participants of social life, these are citizens. The author of the article seeks to find answers to the questions about the challenges is facing a modern democratic society and whether only the ruling elites are responsible for the prospects of its development? In the theoretical sense, the article deals with the study of the current state of the philosophy of contractualism, its attempts to go beyond procedural formalism and Kant transcendentalism, to engage in understanding not only the problems of freedom and justice, but also the trust and responsibility of every citizen as the subject of a real social agreement.
Authors and Affiliations
Dmytro Usov
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