Therapeutic relationship - what influences on it and how does it influence on the psychotherapy process?
Journal Title: Psychoterapia - Year 2015, Vol 172, Issue 1
This article presents the review of results of psychotherapy researches presented in the Psychotherapy Research in years 2004-2012. The main point of interest was common factor of many psychotherapy schools - therapeutic relationship. Collected informations were divided into three categories. The first one consist of variables which can be used to describe the relationship, specified with use of tools created for their measurement. Most of them were easy to measure, however some concerned abstract concepts. The second category consist of factors which affect the relationship. Those were classified within 4 categories: influence of a patient, his features and experience, also characteristics of a therapist and his actions. The last category was about association between relationship variables and variables of a therapeutic process. Those within second category described in this article were studied the most. The least information were provided about the third category. It clearly shows that the matter of psychotherapeutic relationship is commonly examined by many researchers, nevertheless it still leaves place for future studies.
Authors and Affiliations
Katarzyna Wiktor-Sass, Jan Czabała
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