To determine the difference in mean serum CPK level in H1N1 Positive and H1N1 Negative influenza like illness cases, SMS Hospital, Jaipur.
Journal Title: IOSR Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences (IOSR-JPBS) - Year 2017, Vol 12, Issue 5
Background: The great majority of individuals infected with the A (H1N1) virus experience uncomplicated influenza-like illness, with full recovery within 1 week, even without medical treatment, whereas a small subset of patients develops ever progressive disease. Number of Swine Flu Cases and Deaths in India in 2009 was 272 Cases and 981 death while in 2015 was 342 Cases & 2115 Death. The H1N1 virus outbreak had previously occurred India during the 2009 flu pandemic. The virus killed 981 people in 2009 and 1763 in 2010. The mortality decreased in 2011 to 75. It claimed 405 lives in 2012 and 699 lives in 2013. In 2014, a total of 218 people died from the H1N1 flu. 1,2 Material & Method: This was a hospital based observational and comparative study on patients admitted to SMS Hospital with influenza like illness conducted in the Department of Medicine, S.M.S Medical College &Associated Group of SMS Hospitals, Jaipur (Rajasthan) from February 2015 to March 2016 after obtaining Ethical approval from institutional research ethics committee and written informed consent from all subjects. Each patient who was suspected clinically to be H1N1 positive was placed in one of three categories according to the guidelines provided by Ministry of Health and Family welfare in August, 2009.3 All subject were treated by oral oseltamivir 75 mg bd, iv antibiotic, and symptomatically. Descriptive statistics will be used for clinical, demographic and lab data. Qualitative data will be analysed using chi square test and quantitative data using t test and Receiver Operator Characteristics Curve will be used for assess the optimal cut off value for serum creatine phosphokinase for diagnosis of H1N1 cases. Statistical significance will be set at P < 0.05. Result: In present study, the mean serum CPK level has been determined to be significantly higher (757+649.7) in H1N1 positive cases as compared to H1N1 negative cases (69.3+13.8). Conclusion: It can be concluded that our comparative study of Serum creatine phosphokinase level among H1N1 positive and H1N1 negative show that mean value of serum creatine phosphokinase level was significantly higher (p<0.01) in H1N1 positive cases .
Authors and Affiliations
1Dr. Sudhir Bandhari,, Dr. Madan, 3Dr Barkha Goyal, 4Dr Jaswant Goyal*,, Dr. Purva Sharma, Dr. Pragya Sharma,
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