To Study Correlation of Indication in Previous Caesarean Section to Intraoperative Adhesions
Journal Title: IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS) - Year 2017, Vol 16, Issue 9
Introduction: caesarean section is an important and common surgical procedure which is often required to save lives of mother and baby. The WHO recommends that they should be done based on medical need. The incidence is rising in most parts of the world with an increase in number of " previous caesarean section ". In US caesarean section rates have increased from over 20% in 1996 to 33% in 2011. The WHO officially withdrew its previous recommendation of a 25% caesarean section rate in June 2010.Their official statement read,"There is no empirical evidence for an optimum percentage,what matters most is that all women who need caesarean sections receive them ". Conventionally caesarean sections are classified as being either an elective or an emergency operation. Objective:To study intraoperative findings in cases of previous LSCS and to find association between indication of previous LSCS and intraoperative findings. Methods:This is an observational study of cases of repeat LSCS in tertiary care teaching hospital. Result:A total of 60 cases of previous LSCS were observed. Out of 60 cases adhesions between parietal peritoneum and anterior wall of uterus were present in 9(15%) cases. Adhesions between bladder and uterus with inaccessibility of LUS was present in 6(10%) cases. Adhesions of gut and omentum to uterus was present in2(3.3%) cases. In total adhesions were present in 17(28.2%)cases. Of these 17 cases, 5 cases of adhesions were present in CS where the indication of previous CS was FD/MSL. There were 12 cases of adhesions where emergency LSCS was done for indication such as FD ,APH, Ecclampsia . Conclusion: Variation in adhesion formation is associated with emergency LSCS indication. In multiple ceasarean group adhesions are more
Authors and Affiliations
Dr. Indu Gautam, Dr Anuradha Salvi
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