To Study the Correlation between Clinical Evaluation and Histopathological Findings in Abnormal Uterine Bleeding
Journal Title: Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences - Year 2018, Vol 6, Issue 9
The study included total of 300 hysterectomy specimens with the clinical diagnosis of Abnormal Uterine Bleeding during the period, June 2017 to Aug 2018 in the Department of Surgical Pathology of Amaltas Institute of Medical Sciences, Dewas.The following details were studied: All information related to patient was noted i.e. Name, Age, Registration number, complaints, investigations, Size, shape and weight of the uterus, Surface of the uterus, Thickness of the endometrium and myometriu, Length of fallopian tube and cervix, Measurements of ovary.Most common pattern of bleeding noted in adenomyosis was inter-menstrual bleeding followed by heavy menstrual bleeding. In leiomyoma, heavy menstrual bleeding was the most common type of bleeding observed followed by frequent menstrual bleeding. In chronic cervicitis, inter menstrual bleeding was the common type of bleeding followed by frequent menstrual bleeding. In endometrial adenocarcinoma, post-menopausal bleeding was the commonest type of bleeding noted.Abnormal uterine bleeding is the commonest of all gynecological pathology in women of all ages caused by a wide variety of disorders.The preoperative diagnosis correlates well with the final histopathological diagnosis. However, there are considerable numbers of incidental findings, which are diagnosed only on histopathological evaluation.
Authors and Affiliations
Dr. Garima Gupta, Dr. Jagdish Kumar Gupta
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