Ultrasonographic Evaluation of Gynecological Pelvic Masses and Correlate with Histopathological Diagnosis: An Observational Study
Journal Title: Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences - Year 2018, Vol 6, Issue 11
Abstract: Pelvic ultrasound is commonly used as part of the routine gynecologic exams, resulting in diagnosis of adnexal masses, the majority of which are functional or benign. However, due to the possible complications involving benign adnexal cysts (ie, adnexal torsion, pelvic pain) and the utmost importance of early diagnosis and treatment of ovarian cancer, the correct ultrasound diagnosis of adnexal masses is essential in clinical practice. This study was conducted with a view to find out the diagnostic value of USG and correlate with histopathological diagnosis. This cohort study was done on 50 patients with complaints suggestive of a pelvic mass. The final diagnosis was correlated with histopathological diagnosis. The cytohistopathology diagnosis was considered as the final diagnosis. The detailed clinical history was taken and general and local pelvic examination was performed for all patients with various palpable pelvic masses on bimanual pelvic examination. In the identification of the uterine pathology, 94.73% (18/19) of fibroid, 33.33% (1/3) of fibroids were diagnosed as adenomyosis correctly by ultrasonography after post surgical histopathological examination. Majority of ovarian lesions were benign cystic lesion 19 (38%) in which Tubo-ovarian masses 6 (12%) and follicular cyst were most common 5 (10%), followed by luteal cyst, serous cystadenoma, mucinous cystadenoma. Malignant ovarian masses found in 8% (4/50 of patients), in which serous cystadenocarcinoma most common found in 50% (2/4 of malignant ovarian masses) followed by mucious cystadenocrcinoma and endometrial sinus tumor (25% each). Ultrasonography is valuable in diagnosing functional and benign ovarian neoplasms. It is also useful in suspecting malignant ovarian neoplasms and confirming diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy, if correlated with the clinical findings. The correct use of pelvic ultrasonography has become an integral part of the gynecologic evaluation and exam.
Authors and Affiliations
Dr. Neelendra Chakravarty, Dr. Anindya Sasmal, Dr. Narsima Rao Banoth, Dr. Ayon Mitra, Dr. Ramesh Kumar Sahu
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