To study the impact of iron treatment on hemoglobin A2 in iron deficient B Thalassemia minor cases in a tertiary care hospital of central India: a Cross Sectional Study.


Introduction: Thalassemia syndromes and iron deficiency anaemia (IDA) are the two most commonaetiologies of microcytic hypochromic anaemia in children and adults. It has long been considered that iron deficiency does not exist in thalassemia syndromes, including thalassemia major as well as trait andvery few studies has been carried out till date. Objectives: 1.To estimate prevalence of iron deficiency anaemia & hematological parameters with serum iron studies in -thalassemia minor patients 2.To analyse haematological β and haemoglobin A2 parameters of iron deficiency anaemia among β-thalassemia minor patients before and after iron therapy. Materials and Method: It was a Cross sectional study conducted in HPLC diagnosed beta-thalassemiaminor patients over a period of 2 year at tertiary care hospital of Nagpur. A semi structured questionnaire was designed and ethical clearance was obtained. Results: The prevalence of concomitant IDA with β-thalassemia minor was found to be 43.33%. Individuals with iron deficiency anemia reveals that the mean S. Iron was 42.88 μg/dl and mean serum ferritin was 7.87 ng/dl ± 1.84. After the 3 month iron therapy the mean serum iron was increased significantly to 74.03 μg/dl and serum ferritin increased significantly to 48.21± 5.92. Similarly, the mean TIBC was 507.27 μg/dl ± 34.68 before iron therapy. It decreased to 367.91 μg/dl ± 16.62 after the 3 month iron therapy. These differences were found to be statistically significant. Conclusions: Simple investigations like iron profile should be used in patients with borderline HbA2 or otherwise suspected thalassemia minor cases in order to identify IDA. HbA2 value should be reassessed after treatment of IDA to confirm the diagnosis of thalassemia minor.

Authors and Affiliations

Dr Pooja H. Bamborde


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Dr Pooja H. Bamborde (2018). To study the impact of iron treatment on hemoglobin A2 in iron deficient B Thalassemia minor cases in a tertiary care hospital of central India: a Cross Sectional Study.. International Journal of Medical Science and Innovative Research (IJMSIR), 3(11), 86-93.