Tooth decay in children and the assesment of associated factors

Journal Title: Dokuz Eylul Universitesi Tip Fakultesi Dergisi - Year 2018, Vol 32, Issue 3


INTRODUCTION: The aim of the present study is to assess risk factors for tooth decay in children METHODS: A total of 189 patients aging between 5 to13 years were included. The dependent variable was the presence of tooth decay and the independent variables were gender, education level of the mother, consumption of sugary snacks, frequency of brushing teeth, sweetening of food during infantile period.Patients are classified as Group 1(5-7), Group 2(8-10) and Group 3(11-13) years. The presence of tooth decay was grouped as no caries(caries free), moderate caries(1-5 teeth) and severe caries(<6 teeth). Unsimulated saliva was collected in each patient and saliva FR, pH,Ca and PO4 levels were measured. RESULTS: Of them, 48.7% female, 51.3% male. There was no statistical significant difference between gender for the number of decayed teeth, saliva pH, FR Ca and PO4 levels. Saliva FR,pH,Ca and PO4 levels were significantly lower in the presence of increased number of decayed teeth in all ages(p<0.05). The number of decayed teeth was decreased with increased brushing frequency and higher education level of the mother, whereas it was increased with consumption of sugary snacks and sweetening of food during infantile period(p<0.001). Saliva FR,pH,Ca and PO4levels were significantly lower in many caries group when compared to no caries group. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: Saliva FR, pH, Ca and PO4 levels have impact on the development of tooth decay in children. Educational level of mother, brushing frequency, consumption of sugary snacks and sweetening of food during infantile period may have influence on the development of tooth decay as well.

Authors and Affiliations

gülser kılınç


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  • EP ID EP440729
  • DOI 10.5505/deutfd.2018.70883
  • Views 65
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How To Cite

gülser kılınç (2018). Tooth decay in children and the assesment of associated factors. Dokuz Eylul Universitesi Tip Fakultesi Dergisi, 32(3), 219-226.