Topical issues to prevent crimes related to violation of rules of protection and use of mineral resources in Ukraine

Journal Title: ПИТАННЯ БОРОТЬБИ ЗІ ЗЛОЧИННІСТЮ - Year 2016, Vol 1, Issue 31


The article highlights the main criminological research problems of providing preventive activity on crimes related to violation of safety rules or use subsoil (Art. 240 of the Criminal Code), in Ukraine. In particular, stressed the need to expand the base of theoretical and practical development of certain means and methods of combating crime related to violation of safety rules or use of mineral resources in Ukraine. The analysis of the problems highlighted and analyzed factors contributing to the commission of criminal offenses in this category. We consider the attitude of the state and society to the issue of preventive activities to examining the category of crimes. We analyze existing legislation, its positive and negative sides as well as international experience in combating the violation of safety rules or the use of mineral resources.

Authors and Affiliations

I. V. Zdorovylo


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How To Cite

I. V. Zdorovylo (2016). Topical issues to prevent crimes related to violation of rules of protection and use of mineral resources in Ukraine. ПИТАННЯ БОРОТЬБИ ЗІ ЗЛОЧИННІСТЮ, 1(31), 183-196.