Total Quality Management Teacher Education Colleges in the Context of Globalization


The process of globalization in India started with economic reforms and it influenced all walks of life including education under these circumstances education in general and teacher-education in particular needs to be revitalized. The primary law of economics in terms of demand and supply determines the price of higher education. A result of this unique and unprecedented situation, the quality of teacher education is coupled with ˜customers (students) satisfaction at competitive cost. In this concern our Indian teacher education is getting diluted at an alarming rate. Only few institutions in each state imparting teachers with good international standards. The progress of a nation depends upon the quality of education. The quality is not obtained by chance; efforts must be made by everybody at every level and at various phases of education process. So, our Nation must be adopting total quality management (TQM) in teacher education Colleges. The main aims of the TQM; faculty is an asset of college and finding to innovative ways of cutting costs without cutting quality. The quality and standards in an educational system are determined both by the student and also society. Globalization would lead to an improvement in the quality of education and to promote Indian culture to the abroad, generate good will and understanding and yield financial benefits. TQM involve the integration of all functions, process and personal within an organization are order to gain top position and maintains global standard and fulfill the needs in this regard. Dandinker Suryakant. N"Total Quality Management Teacher Education Colleges in the Context of Globalization" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-2 | Issue-1 , December 2017, URL:

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(2017). Total Quality Management Teacher Education Colleges in the Context of Globalization. International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development, 2(1), -.