Tourism development in Ukraine as a factor in the realization of national interests


The theoretical questions of characteristic features of tourist industry and its resource provision are investigated. The general tendency of changes in co-operation of levers of regulation of tourist industry of Ukraine on the modern stage is detected. Since tourist industry, as a management object has its features, the managers of tourist business must consider that this industry does not look like others at all and that is why mechanically to transfer management models from other spheres of labour activity to the sphere of tourism is impossible. It is especially important to form the attitude toward tourism as to a highlyintegrated service with progressively growing application of informative technologies. Systematization of properties and functions of tourist business is conducted taking into account the features of modern Ukrainian actuals. It is especially important to pay attention to the properties of the advantage in integration and globalization processes, which are going on in outer space, and also the possibility to form integrations of nation-wide interests in the different layers of population and its presentation as means of propaganda of national culture and European interests. Internal tourism of Ukraine acquires the special value due to the expansion of cultural communications between the separate regions of country, adjusting of dialogue and mutual understanding, possibility of ocular demonstration of community of Ukrainian nation and forming of positive image of Ukraine, foremost, among its population. In the light of the last events this factor acquires the special significance among participants of Ukrainian tourist market. Common co-operation of levers of regulation of tourist industry is identified. The modern problems of tourist industry are indicated. The complexity of crisis problems is shown in economic and also in socially - political sector of country. The role of tourist industry in the solution of the indicated problems is designated. Today in Ukraine there is an absence of strategy of development of tourism and advancement of Ukraine to the foreign market, lack of information, inability and unwillingness to decide the vital questions of activity of tourist industry – at present these are the realities which the participants of industry of trips have to face.

Authors and Affiliations

Lyudmila Malik


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How To Cite

Lyudmila Malik (2015). Tourism development in Ukraine as a factor in the realization of national interests. Вісник Маріупольського державного університету.Серія: Економіка, 10(), 53-61.