Tourist enterprise strategy formulation including regional competitiveness


The article presents the thesis, according to which strategic management of a tourist enterprise results from a complex demand for its services. Due to the fact that tourist demand appears in the form of a conglomerate of needs and desires which occur in connection with a temporary change of place of residence, its fulfilment requires co-existence and co-operation of a number of various entities which operate the tourist traffic, including regional competitiveness. The study provides methodology of formulating the strategy of a tourist company, taking into account the analysis of destination competitiveness, i.e. the region comprising the area of tourist reception.

Authors and Affiliations

Leszek Kozioł, Marcin Żmigrodzki


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How To Cite

Leszek Kozioł, Marcin Żmigrodzki (2008). Tourist enterprise strategy formulation including regional competitiveness. Zeszyty Naukowe Małopolskiej Wyższej Szkoły Ekonomicznej w Tarnowie, 11(1), 25-34.