Towards Development of Excellence in Regional Cancer Centers: Indian Scenario
Journal Title: Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences - Year 2014, Vol 2, Issue 2
Cancer undoubtedly is becoming an important public health issue. To tackle the problem a large number of cancer centers are needed to be built in the country. National Cancer Control Program established the Regional Cancer Centers to improve availability of cancer treatment facilities. The main objective in establishing these centers was to provide cancer treatment facilities in addition to improve prevention activities across the country. The objective was to study the organization and physical facilities of regional cancer center of Sher-i-Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences (SKIMS), Srinagar. A retro-prospective model utilizing observational study of relevant records and interview technique was used to study the physical facilities and organization of regional cancer center at SKIMS, Srinagar. The study reveals that the design and layout of regional cancer center is in accordance with prescribed engineering norms. The regional cancer center is well equipped though some state of art equipment and staff strength needs to be increased to enhance treatment facilities. The policy and procedure are strictly adhered to. In conclusion, cancer patients require multi disciplinary treatment from medical oncology, surgical oncology and radiation oncology specialties. Besides, diagnosis of disease requires special methods of investigations to identify, to classify the type, severity and spread of disease. Hence, to develop a cancer treatment center special knowledge of disease process, diagnosis and treatment modalities is imperative and it requires the most appropriate physical space, equipment and trained manpower.
Authors and Affiliations
M. Ashraf Wani, Farooq A. Jan, Nazir A Khan, H. R. Ahangar
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