Toxic Heavy Metal Ions and Metal-Complex Dyes Removal from Aqueous Solutions Using an Ion Exchanger and Titanium Dioxide
Journal Title: Fibres and Textiles in Eastern Europe - Year 2018, Vol 26, Issue 2
The aim of the study was to compare the removal efficiency of toxic heavy metal ions: chromium(VI), nickel(II) and copper(II) as well as metal-complex dyes from aqueous solution using Lewatite VPOC 1065 and AdsorbsiaTM As500. The point of zero charge (pHPZC) of both sorbents and the influence of the initial concentration on the sorption process of Ni(II), Cu(II), Cr(VI), C.I. Acid Red 183 (AR183), C.I. Reactive Blue 21 (RB21) and nickel(II) phthalocyanine-tetrasulfonic acid tetrasodium salt (NiPc-TSATSS) were studied to determine the maximum sorption capacity. Kinetic studies were also carried out for the most effective sorbent-sorbate systems. The concentration effect of both hydrochloric acid and auxiliaries on the removal yield was also taken into account. As was found, Lewatit VPOC 1065 can be successfully applied for the treatment of textile wastewaters containing metal complex dyes and heavy metal ions. The highest sorption capacity, qe = 816.1 mg/g, was found for C.I. Acid Red 183.<br/><br/>
Authors and Affiliations
Anna Wołowicz, Monika Wawrzkiewicz, Zbigniew Hubicki
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