Journal Title: Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Історія. Політологія - Year 2016, Vol 6, Issue 15
Розглянуто традиційні заняття чоловіків в грецьких поселеннях та м. Маріуполі наприкінці ХVІІІ – на початку ХХ ст. Охарактеризовано кожний вид діяльності греків: скотарство, землеробство, торгівлю, рибальство, вирощування тютюну та різні ремесла. Проаналізовано яким чином професійні вподобання впливали на стан здоров’я представників сильної статі. Представлені думки та висновки земських лікарів щодо причино-наслідкових зв’язків між основними заняттями греків та розповсюдженими внутрішніми, інфекційними та венеричними хворобами. The article examines occupations of men in the Greek settlements and the city of Mariupol in the late XVIIIth – early XXth centuries. It analyses the influence of occupational interests on the health condition of the sterner sex representatives. It presents ideas and conclusions of zemstvo’s doctors as to the cause-and-effect relations between the Greeks’ main occupations and the prevalent internal, infectious and venereal diseases spread. The given issue source database is represented by the acts and record keeping documents, periodicals’ materials, sources of the private origin (memoirs, foreigners’ notes, ethnographic expeditions materials). The article reveals that all the duties were divided on the gender basis. The most respected and oldest men belonged to the village community assembly. There they settled agrarian issues and family affairs, elected village headmen, appointed guardians etc. The main men’s occupations before the XXth century were cattle-breeding, farming, growing tobacco and fishing. A profession defined the position of a Greek in the rural community: before the XXth century the herders pasturing large herds of sheep up to 1000 heads and sometimes more were held in great respect. The herders’ work was very hard. Only in the middle of winter and only for two months they came back home. But this work was regarded profitable: one might earn money to buy his own herd of sheep working there for some years. Moreover, the status of assistant of a well-known udaman served a young man as a good testimonial for his future. The herders more often than other men fell ill with anthrax as infection was transmitted through sick animals, mostly sheep. During field season farmers suffered from bloody diarrhea and gastrointestinal catarrh due to unhealthy diet and water unsuitable for drinking. Besides sometimes men got injured, abrasions and skin lesions resulted in inflammation of deep layers of skin. Among the crafts regarded as a worthy occupation for a man in the first place we should mention carrying, outerwear and footwear tailoring, and smithery as well. The traditional occupation of the Greek men was trade. Exactly this activity as zemstvo’s doctors thought facilitated men’s venereal diseases infection. One of the most spread diseases was syphilis.
Authors and Affiliations
S. Arabadzhy
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