Tragic in the Poem «The Village in the Abyss» of Igor Kachurovsky

Journal Title: Філологічний дискурс - Year 2018, Vol 0, Issue 8


The article deals with the peculiarities of the artistic realization of the problem of famine in the work of Igor Kachurovsky and representatives of the Ukrainian diaspora, in particular, the nature of the tragic and its embodiment in the poem «The Village in the Abyss» is clarified. It is indicated that the work has a pronounced autobiographical character, which permeates the idea and tragic pathos. Much attention is paid to the spiritual, moral and Christian aspects of human dignity, which makes it possible to connect the tragic with majestic and heroic. Through the prism of suffering and horror, the images of female mother, kulak children and an old grandfather who are doomed to terrifying death in torture by the hands of servants of the totalitarian regime are characterized. The emphasis is on conflict, peculiarities of characterization, artistic detail. It is noted that the tragic problem is revealed polyfunctional: from individual to general, from personal to national. It is revealed that the tragic is revealed due to the conflict between the criminal totalitarian system, which acquired special power in the 30th of the 20th century, and the custom of the people, laid not even for centuries, but for millennia, of extremely complex existential conflicts of Ukrainian statehood. It is indicated that its realization takes place both at the level of the individual, the family, and in the context of the artistic reflection of the extermination of almost a generation of the Ukrainian people through political repressions, the forced removal of Ukrainians to Siberia and the Far East, the famine.

Authors and Affiliations

Viktor Krupka


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  • EP ID EP648462
  • DOI 10.31475/fil.dys.2018.08.06
  • Views 78
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How To Cite

Viktor Krupka (2018). Tragic in the Poem «The Village in the Abyss» of Igor Kachurovsky. Філологічний дискурс, 0(8), 58-64.