Training for men and women at the biological stage of meso- and kataphase, and some health indicators

Journal Title: Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences - Year 2011, Vol 21, Issue 54


[b]Aim of the study.[/b] Evaluation from normative and holistic perspectives the effect which systematic sports training has on some health indicators in the group of Krakow Running Paths Programme participants. Measuring how the extensive increase in the training load affects the subjects’ improvement.[b]Material. [/b]The study was carried out at the University School of Physical Education in Krakow sports facilities in June 2010. The research group consisted of 63 subjects (22 women and 41 men) involved in the training classes programme. The average age of men was 45.6 years with a relatively large range of variability (30–70 years), and 40.1 years of women, with a smaller range of variation (30–55 years). All the subjects trained regularly 2–3 times a week carrying a volume of training of 120 km per month and above this range.[b]Methods.[/b] To analyse the research material with the help of Eurofit for Adults. Assessment of health-related fitness test [1], the method of level development observation in terms of H-RF was used. The data was checked against the nationwide and Cracovian standards for youth at the age range of 19–21-years with the use of basic statistical characteristics and indicators of standardized differences. The significance of differences was tested with Student’s t°-test or the Cochran-Cox C° test, depending on differences in variance.[b]Results.[/b] Comparative analysis revealed that training of people in their meso- and kataphase stadium of biological development can meet the health functions. This was confirmed by the comparison of health indicators, in terms of normative and holistic classification, according to the H-RF convention. In addition, recreational training can make a stronger impact on health indicators, causing much more positive changes in women than in men, in whose it may produce on the smaller scale the expected effects on the morphological components of physical fitness according to the H-RF convention.[b]Conclusions.[/b] In terms of H-RF it is possible for physically active men and women in their meso- and kataphase to achieve the level of motor components typical for subjects at the age range of 19–21 years. Regular running of women at comparable to men level of training load may give better results in female than in male runners, which reflects more in the morphological components of motor fitness measured according to the H-RF convention.

Authors and Affiliations

Joanna Gradek, Edward Mleczko, Sebastian Swoboda


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How To Cite

Joanna Gradek, Edward Mleczko, Sebastian Swoboda (2011). Training for men and women at the biological stage of meso- and kataphase, and some health indicators. Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences, 21(54), 35-49.