
В статті розглядається еволюція партійної системи Туреччини з часів створення республіки до початку ХХІ століття. Визначаються основні тенденції, які впливали на цей процес, характеризуються політичні традиції та ідеології, що формують структуру політикуму держави. Вивчаються найпопулярніші політичні течії Республіки – кемалізм, правоцентризм та ісламізм. Послідовно описується процес формування та трансформації цих напрямків політичної думки під впливом внутрішніх та зовнішніх обставин. The article under consideration focuses on the evolution of the Turkish party system from the time of the Republic’s formation to the beginning of XXI century. The main tendencies are defined in terms of their influence on this process, and the political traditions and ideologies are analyzed with respect to their forming of the state’s political elite structure. The most popular political trends are studied by covering Kemalism, Center-right centrism, and Islamism. The character of relations between them within XX - the beginning of XXI century is analyzed in terms of continuous struggle for the power in Turkey. The influence of less popular ideologies on the society such as Nationalism and the Left Movements, as well as formation of Kurdish tradition are also studied in this article. The process of formation and transformation of these political trends are described consecutively with regard to the effect of internal (party rift) and external (military coups and prohibition of particular political parties) circumstances. The specificity of formation and functioning of multiparty system in Turkey is highlighted, as well as the role of autocracy in the Turkish political tradition. It is stated, that Turkish political system has come a long way from one-party system in 1920-1940s (when Kemal and his followers were strong without controversy and attempts to create an opposition party were doomed to failure), to bipartisanship of 1950s (when pro-Western Democrat Party took power by winning the elections and made a lot of changes in foreign and domestic policy) and to multiparty system of later period (which was characterized by unceasing struggles between parties that sometimes had threatened the security and peaceful development of the Turkish state – a challenge that was overcome only with the intervention of the military) The factors enabling the moderate Islamists’ victory in the party struggle at the beginning of XXI century are studied with focus on the role of the Justice and Development Party that has monopolized the control over the Turkish political elite. An assumption is made that today Erdoğan’s party has a lot of power in the main fields of state building, which gives her an opportunity to change the course of the Republic’s development drastically.

Authors and Affiliations

Hanna Zamikula


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Hanna Zamikula (2016). ТРАНСФОРМАЦІЯ ПАРТІЙНОЇ СИСТЕМИ ТУРЕЦЬКОЇ РЕСПУБЛІКИ. Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Історія. Політологія, 6(16), 225-233. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-429095