Journal Title: Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Філософія, культурологія, соціологія - Year 2017, Vol 7, Issue 13
У статті проаналізовано історичну трансформацію усвідомлення сутності митця у різні епохи – починаючи від Античності і до сучасності. Розглянуті провідні антропоцентричні культурологічні ідеї та їх вплив на розуміння творчої особистості у ХХ столітті,виявлено основні функції художника в епоху Постмодернізму. Historical transformation and cognition of artist’s nature in various epochs – from ancient times till modern period - has been analysed in the article. There has been discovered that understanding different epochs, including postmodern, leads us to questions, which are connected with cognition of personality functions, especially artistic ones, as a mover of historical, sociocultural processes. The role of individuality in human life becomes the subject of scientific researches by R. Danylkhanova, L. Grynyn, Kh. Celvin, S. Sydorenko. However, this subject matter, especially in national scientific thought, is of less interest and requires further study. Leading anthropocentric culturological ideas and their influence on understanding personality in the 20th century have been considered. Also the main functions of an artist in the postmodern epoch have been elucidated. As a result of research the author concluded that the problem of an artist and his role in the history was interesting for theoreticians from ancient world till now. In the process of human development understanding of artist’s being has been transforming – from quite busy individual, actions of which were subordinated to higher power – fate, God (ancient world, middle ages and baroque) to the person whose actions were motivated by rational or emotional component of his being (classical period, romanticism). The 20th century illustrates the change in philosophers and culturologists’ views on artistic personality cognition and his historical mission. Modern epoch actively introduces free artist’s regulations in social life and the main authority is personal world view. However, nowadays there have been formed the right of an artist to define, which aesthetic concept to profess, in which historical epoch to live and which world to create. Besides innovative modernistic ideas, there are traditional views on creative personality, which were established previously. The role of an artist in the postmodern epoch is quite complex and ambiguous (as “products” of activity). It depends on creation of absurd existence atmosphere, disclosure of independent personality, combination of various genres, currents and trends, elucidation of non-combined methods of human existence, theatricality of surrounding reality, etc. On the one hand, an artist is given great opportunities with freedom of expression and his imagination is not constrained by some laws or restrictions. On the other hand, in any other epoch he wasn’t so disenfranchised and impersonal, needless to society as in the postmodern period. The whole range of issues, which are connected with the transformation of understanding and the role of artistic personality in the postmodern epoch are not covered in the given publication. We consider the perspective to deep study the functions of an artist in the each through the analysis of anthropological studies of leading theorists of a concrete period from historical, culturological, systemic, sociocultural and other scientific approaches. The question of important awareness of artistic personality in the 21st century needs a thorough study, when philosophy and culture are on the verge of discovery of a new stylistic direction.
Authors and Affiliations
Lesya Mykulanynets
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