Transformation of the philosophy of justice: from the principles of justice to its main issue

Journal Title: Мultiversum. Philosophical almanac - Year 2016, Vol 0, Issue 9


The article examines the transformation of the modern philosophy of justice from the search for the basic principles of social justice to formulate its main issue. It is established that in circumstances of crisis society, not only justice, but the present life as a whole, should be considered critically and contextually: our images must be deduced not by a priori way, but be reconstructed as conditions for the reproduction of a justified social being. It has been proved that the work of A.Honneth, R.Forst, N.Fraser, A.Sen, which brought social justice to the essence of social analysis, served to overcome the normative orientation of modern theory of justice. A critical comprehension in the modern political philosophy of the procedural-distributional model of justice has led to the formation of its new image, which takes into account the problems of power, responsibility, recognition, human dignity that are missed in the theory of J.Rawls the problems of power, responsibility, recognition, human dignity. The article clarifies that in the investigating of the problem of the distribution of social goods, it is necessary to focus on its political component, which will allow us to understand the true meaning and basic problems of social justice. The thesis is based on the fact that people are transformed from the subjects of justice into its objects beyond the comprehension of the power, and political dimensions of social justice. The article analyzes the «constructivist theory of justice» by R.Forst, and also it is proved that for understanding the problem of social justice, the theory of D.North can be useful, as is aimed at analyzing the conditions for the transformation from preindustrial to modern, post-industrial social «order of free access».

Authors and Affiliations

Ludmila Sytnichenko


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How To Cite

Ludmila Sytnichenko (2016). Transformation of the philosophy of justice: from the principles of justice to its main issue. Мultiversum. Philosophical almanac, 0(9), 44-58.