Transparency of states’ obligations in the area of arms trade. Legal issues
Journal Title: Krytyka Prawa. Niezależne studia nad prawem - Year 2015, Vol 7, Issue 1
The purpose of this paper is to answer how the issue of transparency has been dealt with in the Arms Trade Treaty. Analysed provisions will also be assesed. As a point of reference other instruments regarding arms trade will be used. Uncontrolled arms trade poses a significant threat to international peace and security. The General Assembly of the United Nations has adopted the Arms Trade Treaty [hereinafter ATT]. The ATT entered into force on 24th of December 2014. For the first time in the history a global and legally binding instrument regulating ams trade has been adopted. Transparency is a key element of ATT. Firstly, observing inflows and outflows of arms allows to determine whether provisions of a treaty are used in practise. Furthermore it makes assesment of state’s intentions possible. Extensive armament is correlated with war preparations. Secondly, transparency shows if a country has implemented the treaty into its law.
Authors and Affiliations
Maciej Macenowicz
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