Treatment approaches in children with steroid sensitive nephrotic syndrome

Journal Title: Dicle Tıp Dergisi - Year 2011, Vol 38, Issue 3


Pediatric nephrotic syndrome (NS) is a chronic glomerular disorder, and if untreated, is associated with increased risk of life-threatening infectious, thromboembolism, lipid abnormalities, and malnutrition. The aim of the management of NS in children is to induce and maintain complete remission with resolution of proteinuria and edema without encountering serious adverse effects of therapy. Over 90% of cases in children with idiopathic NS and a majority of them will respond to steroid therapy. However, a substantial number of patients relapse frequently and become steroid dependent. The occurrence of frequent relapses necessitates clear therapeutic strategies in order to maintain sustained remission and minimize steroid toxicity. Numerous therapeutic regimens have been proposed utilizing steroid sparing agents such as alkylating agents, principally, cyclophosphamide and chlorambucil, calcineurin inhibitors namely cyclosporin A and an immunomodulatory drug, levamisole, with variable success and associated side-effects. Recently, mycophenolate mofetil (MMF), tacrolimus, the anti-CD20 antibody, rituximab, have emerged as new therapeutic options for the management of steroid dependent NS in a few uncontrolled clinical trials. It is therefore important that the benefits and risks of these agents are weighed before considering their use in the treatment of patients with NS

Authors and Affiliations

Süleyman Kalman


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How To Cite

Süleyman Kalman (2011). Treatment approaches in children with steroid sensitive nephrotic syndrome. Dicle Tıp Dergisi, 38(3), 361-367.