Treatment results of otosclerosis regarding different types of prosthesis
Journal Title: Otolaryngologia Polska - Year 2012, Vol 66, Issue 0
SUMMARY Surgery is the most effective method of improving hearing in patients with otosclerosis. The level of improvement depends on the stage of the disease and the chosen surgical method. The aim of this study: is to present hearing results in patients treated surgically by means of different types of prostheses and methods of vestibule sealing. Material and methods: 230 cases (160 men, 70 women) between the age of 21 and 64 (median 36 years) treated for the first time in the Department of Otolaryngology of Medical University in Gdańsk underwent epidemiologic and clinical analysis. The researches took into account the level of hearing improvement based on the reduced air-bone reserve for frequencies 0.5, 1.0, 2.0 i 4.0 kHz in groups with where prostheses type 1 and 2 were used. Results: 230 stapedotomies were performed. In 110 patients prosthesis type 1 was used (PTFE) and in 120 type 2 (piston PTFE with platinum tape). Each vestibule was sealed with homogenic fat tissue or fibrin sponge. After 6 weeks from the operation the air-bone reserve was reduced by 5 to 30 dB, the reserve existed after one year from the operation in some patients. 35% of the patients presented with vertigo after the operation and 5% with tinnitus. Conclusions: Stapedotomy is a method of hearing improvement in patients with otosclerosis. Best results are achieved when prosthesis type 2 is used and homogenic fat tissue serves to seal the vestibule. Broad opening of the vestibule may be the cause for vertigo and lack of hearing improvement occurence.
Authors and Affiliations
Jerzy Kuczkowski, Wojciech Sierszeń, Tomasz Przewoźny, Danuta Paradowska
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