Trend of Family Medicine in Kirkuk-Iraq
Journal Title: Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences - Year 2016, Vol 4, Issue 8
Abstract: Family medicine is the medical specialty which provides continuing and comprehensive health care for the individual and the family.To show the trend of family medicine in ideal primary Health care centers in Kirkuk City.A retrospective study was conducted in six PHCCS in two districts in Kirkuk city from first of June 2016 to first of September 2016. Data collection was done by team work from set up of the program in 2011 till 2015.Total population registered in 2015 has reached 121221 among 2122343 persons with rate of 57.11% in the included PHCC, while the total number of family registered were 36900 among 48629 with rate 75.88%. There was positive correlation between the number of population and family registration, the rate of registration was increased with years of registration. The total number of the personal registration was increased with years as the highest percentage was in 2015(57.11%), followed by 2014(42.011%), and the lowest was in 2011(29.11%).According to international average data in Kirkuk the average of family physician was 0.6/ 10.000 population.In Kirkuk PHCCS practice is relatively successful and the infrastructure of family medicine needs improvement. Keywords:Family medicine, health care, Kirkuk city.
Authors and Affiliations
Suha Mohameed Tahir Ahmed, Suheila Shams-Eldin Tahir, Mohammed Abdul-Aziz Kadir
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