Triethylenetetramine. Determination in workplace air
Journal Title: Podstawy i Metody Oceny Środowiska Pracy - Year 2016, Vol 32, Issue 1
Triethylenetetramine (TETA) is a yellowish, slightly oily liquid very soluble in water.Triethylenetetramine is frequently used as a curing agents for epoxy resins, intermediary forauxiliary agents used in the paper industry, the textile industry and in glues or intermediate forasphalt emulsifi ers.The aim of this study was to develop and validate a sensitive method for determining concentrationsof TETA in workplace air in the range from 1/10 to 2 MAC values, in accordance with the requirements of Standard No. PN-EN 482.The method was based on passing the air which contains TETA through impringer fi lled withhydrochloric acid solution. TETA was determined indirectly by determining the product of itsreaction with 1-naphtyhyl isothiocyanate (NIT). Studies were performed using high-performanceliquid chromatography (HPLC) technique. An Agilent Technologies (Germany) chromatograph,series 1200, with a diode-array detector (DAD) was used in the experiment. An Ultra C18 column(250 × 4.6 mm, dp = 5 mm), with a precolumn (10 × 4.0 mm) was applied.The method is linear (r = 0.999) within the working range 0.6–12 μg/ml, which is equivalentto air concentrations from 0.1 to 2.0 mg/m[sup]3[/sup] for a 60-L air sample.The analytical method described in this paper makes it possible to selectively determine TETAin workplace air in the presence of other amines. The method is precise, accurate and it meets thecriteria for procedures for measuring chemical agents listed in Standard No. PN-EN 482. Thismethod can be used for assessing occupational exposure to TETA and associated risk to workers’health. The developed method of determining TETA has been recorded as an analytical procedure (see appendix).
Authors and Affiliations
Joanna Kowalska
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