Trophic ecology of Saccodon dariensis (Pisces: Parodontidae) in Guatapé River tributaries, Magdalena River Basin, Colombia

Journal Title: Revista MVZ Cordoba - Year 2014, Vol 19, Issue 1


Objective. To study the trophic ecology of Saccodon dariensis in the Peñoles and El Cardal streams, Guatape River mid-basin, Magdalena River Basin, Colombia. Materials and methods. To compare differences in size between individuals from the two streams in terms of hydrologic periods, oral polymorphisms or sexes, an analysis of variance was conducted (ANOVA). Volume percentages, frequency of occurrence and the food importance index (FII) were determined; a principal component analysis (PCA) and an ANOVA was carried out to determine the diet differences between streams, climatic periods, oral polymorphism, sexes and developmental states, as well as a Mann-Whitney pairwise comparison test for each food category. Results. A significant difference was found in size between individuals of the two streams with different oral polymorphism. Algae are the most important food item (FII: 91.9%), followed by Trichoptera and insect remains (FII: 4.3%), and vegetal material (FII: 1.8%). The PCA did not indicate significant differences in diet between streams, climatic periods, oral polymorphisms, sexes or developmental states, but the ANOVA and Mann-Whitney pairwise comparison test indicated differences in oral morphotype, where individuals with a straight mouth consumed more vegetal material. We also observed different proportions in consumption of different algae genera, and increased consumption of insects in ontogeny, this being higher in individuals with a straight mouth. Conclusions. The species is algaevorous. The oral morphotypes of S. dariensis may be related to a trophic polymorphism that confers different trophic habits and differential access to the items that constitute their diet.

Authors and Affiliations

Ana Restrepo-Gómez, Zoot| Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Departamento de Ciencias Forestales. Posgrado en Bosques y Conservación Ambiental. Medellín, Colombia., Néstor Mancera-Rodríguez, Ph. D *| Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Departamento de Ciencias Forestales. Posgrado en Bosques y Conservación Ambiental. Medellín, Colombia.Correspondencia:


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How To Cite

Zoot, Ph. D * (2014). Trophic ecology of Saccodon dariensis (Pisces: Parodontidae) in Guatapé River tributaries, Magdalena River Basin, Colombia. Revista MVZ Cordoba, 19(1), 3930-3943.