Trzebnickie inspiracje duchowej postawy świętej Jadwigi

Journal Title: Studia Salvatoriana Polonica - Year 2017, Vol 11, Issue


In 1203 the first women’s convent was brought to Trzebnica in Silesia, by Prince Henryk Brodaty and his wife, Hedwig. This marked a beginning of close relations between this Cistercian centre and the house of founders which lasted four decades. Constant support given to the community by the future saint was mostly a result of her personal engagement in development of the cloister, in following its spiritual profile and in the growth of inner life. We can find several proves of this activity in the archives, and a confirmation of Saint Hedwig`s motives emerges from the canonization bull of the pope Clement IVth. At last the Princess decided to move to the Cistercian cloister with a view to taking care of its spiritual life. This observation was a key to the research of the influence of religious environment on the spiritual profile of Saint Hedwig. Among these signs, we have pointed out the liturgical spirituality offered in the frame of cloister breviary service customs as well as living as a community in the sacral time and space of the enclosure. Those distinguishing features of Saint Hedwig’s attitude, that had already been present in her early part of life, deepened and became fully obvious under the influence of staying in the religious environment of Cistercian cloister.

Authors and Affiliations

Anna Sutowicz


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How To Cite

Anna Sutowicz (2017). Trzebnickie inspiracje duchowej postawy świętej Jadwigi. Studia Salvatoriana Polonica, 11(), 11-29.