Działalność zakonodawcza Sługi Bożego ks. J. Cz. Ch. Małysiaka SDS (1884-1966)

Journal Title: Studia Salvatoriana Polonica - Year 2018, Vol 12, Issue


Rev. Józef Cz. Ch. Małysiak, now a Servant of God, was a charismatic man, endowed with many talents. His indefatigable life showed the heroic commitment to diverse forms of evangelization. He was primarily inspired by the words of the Servant of God, Rev. F. Jordan: „As long as there lives even one man in the world, who doesn't know God and doesn’t love Him more than anything else, you mustn’t rest”. He focused all his action on this goal. His religious order founding initiatives were among many forms of his activities. Yet, only one of them became fully implemented and has lasted to this day: the Order of Sisters of the Family from Bethany. Other religious congregations, such as the Order of the Lord’s Transfiguration or the Retreat Brothers’ Society, have not survived. This study, based on the historical documentation, obtained thanks to preliminary research at different archives, will help to trace Rev. Małysiak’s efforts to create structures of new religious congregations. It will also portray his help, as the spiritual counselor of the Brothers of the Heart of Jesus and of the „Unity” of Theresians Sisters.

Authors and Affiliations

Konstancja Alicja Kubiak


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How To Cite

Konstancja Alicja Kubiak (2018). Działalność zakonodawcza Sługi Bożego ks. J. Cz. Ch. Małysiaka SDS (1884-1966). Studia Salvatoriana Polonica, 12(), 131-144.