Twórcza działalność na rzecz książki dla dzieci Krystyny Lipki-Sztarbałły
Journal Title: Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia Poetica - Year 2018, Vol 6, Issue
Krystyna Lipka-Sztarbałło’s creation for children book Shaping full personality includes an introduction to cultural messages understanding and requires preparation from the earliest years of life. The use of picture books and book illustrations as the key assumption in visual education of children. Picture books represent the first artistic medium as the primary carrier of aesthetic values and a potential chance to stimulate cognitive, social development of a child. History of Polish picture book dates back to the turn of XIX and XX centuries. However, the realizations gaining more widespread range occurred much later. Krystyna Lipko-Sztarbałło, a graphic artist and an animator of Polish book for children, has been of key importance for the development of Polish picture book for the last twenty-odd years. The significance of the illustrations book in child development is proven by the examples of graphic designs taken from Krystyna Lipka-Sztarbałło’s works.
Authors and Affiliations
Anna Boguszewska
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