Twórczość indywidualna i jej wpływ na rozwój staroruskiego śpiewu cerkiewnego w XVI i XVII w. Działalność Longina - śpiewaka z Ławry Troicko-Siergiejewskiej

Journal Title: Wschodni Rocznik Humanistyczny - Year 2018, Vol 0, Issue 3


The Old Ruthenian monodic church singing (the so-called znamiennyj raspiew), although it was the subject of many scientific studies, still has many secrets. Its incredible beauty combined with the richness of forms and the free unsymmetrical rhythm moves the listener’s heart to the time when this singing was generally obligatory in the liturgical practice of the Orthodox Church in the Rus. In this work I will try to present the profile of Longin, singer from Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius, in the context of aesthetic changes which took place in the liturgical singing in the Rus at the turn of the 16th and 17th centuries. In addition, I will try to answer the question about the place of individual creativity in the system of the Old Ruthenian church singing, which during the first seven centuries of Christianity in the Rus, was subject to rigid canonical norms included within eight modal scales (cs. osmoglasija).

Authors and Affiliations

Daniel Sawicki


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How To Cite

Daniel Sawicki (2018). Twórczość indywidualna i jej wpływ na rozwój staroruskiego śpiewu cerkiewnego w XVI i XVII w. Działalność Longina - śpiewaka z Ławry Troicko-Siergiejewskiej. Wschodni Rocznik Humanistyczny, 0(3), 7-21.