Uczenie się od praktyków i z praktyki szkolnej – refleksje o barierach peryferyjnego uczestnictwa

Journal Title: Kwartalnik Pedagogiczny - Year 2019, Vol 64, Issue 1


Preparing students for the profession of a teacher involves internships in kindergartens and schools. Learning from practitioners and through practice can be considered in the light of E. Wenger’s theory of situated learning. The article presents the results of research aimed at identifying the experiences of post-graduate students of early-childhood studies related to the peripheral participation in early-childhood teachers communities of practice. The research project was carried out in accordance with the grounded theory, data were collected on the basis of analysis of documents, i.e. student documentation from continuous internships in kindergarten and school, presented in the form of critical events. On the basis of analysis of students’ statements, the barriers to learning from practitioners were identified - for example: encircling by the routine, superficiality activities, cultivating the teacher-expert worship; closing of teachers on modification of their practice; deprecating trainees and their activities, blocking the attempts of students to act differently. The article presents the characteristics of identified blockades, which are illustrated with examples from the collected empirical material.<br/><br/>

Authors and Affiliations

Marzenna Nowicka


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  • EP ID EP559770
  • DOI 10.5604/01.3001.0013.1843
  • Views 94
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How To Cite

Marzenna Nowicka (2019). Uczenie się od praktyków i z praktyki szkolnej – refleksje o barierach peryferyjnego uczestnictwa. Kwartalnik Pedagogiczny, 64(1), 99-111. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-559770