Based on a thorough examination of use of RES in the electricity sector, wind and biomass energy seem to have the greatest RES potential in the Lithuanian electricity sector. Use of hydro energy is bound by strict enviro...
In the paper, a short survey on universality results for L-functions of elliptic curves over the field of rational numbers is given and weighted universality theorem is proven. All stated universality theorems are of con...
Word games are a simple and fun way to spend time. It helps to improve a person’s vocabulary, expand erudition, train memory and intelligence, and develop logic and associative thinking. There exist different types of wo...
EP ID EP124750
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How To Cite
Ramunė Burškaitienė (2011). Ugdomosios aplinkos tradicinėje lietuvos ikimokyklinėje įstaigoje: ekspertinis vertinimas. Jaunųjų mokslininkų darbai, 33(4),
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Organising and Managing Environment Protection in Pasvalys Region Municipality
Analysis of Promotions of Measures for the Use of Renewable Energy Sources in Electricity Sector
Based on a thorough examination of use of RES in the electricity sector, wind and biomass energy seem to have the greatest RES potential in the Lithuanian electricity sector. Use of hydro energy is bound by strict enviro...
A Weighted Universality Theorem for L-Functions of Elliptic Curves
In the paper, a short survey on universality results for L-functions of elliptic curves over the field of rational numbers is given and weighted universality theorem is proven. All stated universality theorems are of con...
Kūno kultūros mokytojo profesinė pozicija pamokoje: skatuliai ir trikdžiai
Research of Word Search Algorithms based on relational database
Word games are a simple and fun way to spend time. It helps to improve a person’s vocabulary, expand erudition, train memory and intelligence, and develop logic and associative thinking. There exist different types of wo...