Ukrainian scientific-popular site as a kind of the network resource


Research methodology. In order to determine the peculiarities of architectonics and content of popular-scientific web-sites, four resources of the Ukrainian network are under analysis. Results. Popular scientific resources are of users’ request. The most popular one is the content thatconsiders nature, space, physics, biology, medicine, history. However, the sites look amateurish and require modernizing processing and design. Only one of the four sites analysed have its modern architectonicorganization. Others leg several years behind the latest trends in web design. As for the content, it is the one which is relevant, interesting as well as providing discourses. So, resource isa summary of news from many disciplines. However, the information is not of great amount, its selection logic is not very clear. Web-site provides the visitor with the borrowed contentexclusively on the topic of the site. That’s why it can be considered as a kind of thematic aggregator. The site considers only issues related to Ukrainian history as well as itsunexplored pages. It can satisfy the curiosity of the target audience. Resource is poorly designed in terms of architectonics and requires filling its content. Accordingly, scientific-popular resourcesare a fertile segment of focus for web designers and content managers. The multimedia capabilities of the web environment are not implemented in the full measure. Accordingly, popular-scientific resources needto be improved and modernized.Novelty. It is for the first time that the systematic analysis of popular-scientific web-sites of Ukrainian segment of the web was considered.The practical significance. The results of the research can be used for further study of the Ukrainian segment of the Web.

Authors and Affiliations

N. Blynova


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How To Cite

N. Blynova (2016). Ukrainian scientific-popular site as a kind of the network resource. Вісник Дніпропетровського університету. Серія "Соціальні комунікації", 24(12), 26-32.